Price: price everything either individually or as a group (ex.-everything on this table .50).
Advertise:In the past I have usually put an ad in the newspaper, but this costs money, and eats up part of your profits. I didn't do that this time and we made just as much as we usually do. Use free advertising sites like Craiglist and KSL. Put your ad in a day or two before the sale. Hang Up Bright Colored Signs the morning of so people can find your sale.
Invite Other Families: more is better at least in my opinion. If there is more stuff available it will draw more people. This was a neighborhood Yard Sale, and we had quite a bit of traffic. We had 4 families included and another benefit of this is that you have someone to talk to and share the work with throughout the day. Another benefit of this is that you will find yourselves trading with each other, as a neighbor or friend might be getting rid of something that is useful to you.
Involve The Kids: My kids love to help with yard sales. When I tell them we are having one they start going through there stuff to see what they want to sale. My rule-they get to keep the money for any toys, books, etc. they sale. Also kids can price stuff and in fact find it fun. If you give them the stickers and just have them ask you as they go along "how much do you want on this?" They can also help with set-up and clean up. Another way to involve the kids is let them sale cookies or muffins and hot chocolate.
Reduce/Rotate your Stockpile: I find yard sales are a great way to reduce or rotate my stockpile. I can get rid of things that we aren't using fast enough, items I got a ton of for free, things my kids don't like, things that are about to expire, etc. and guess what people love to buy them, because it saves them money. In this yard sale I put out cereal, pens, candles, body wash, pudding-guess what it all sold!
As I said before we had what I consider a successful yard sale. We didn't sale one thing that was over $5 and we made almost $100 ($98.92 to be exact). Not to bad. That is only our total our neighbors each made money to some more than us some less, but we all did good. This time we also changed locations of where we usually have the sale. We usually do it out at my Grandma's house and we usually earn about the same amount-it just goes to show it's not necessarily about location but more about the organizing, advertising, and the quality of stuff you have available that counts.
awesome I hope you guys did well.